Iris Law at Zermatt's Gronergrat Glacier by Dario Catellani for WSJ Magazine June-July 2023

Iris Law at Zermatt's Gronergrat Glacier by Dario Catellani for WSJ Magazine June-July 2023 AOC Fashion

When AOC sees photographer Dario Catellani [IG] in the same sentence as WSJ Magazine June-July 2023, I know we’re going somewhere fabulous in nature’s kingdom.

“Lulu,” I called my IA assistant. “Please get to work on Zermatt Switzerland. . . tell me about the ice caves . . . are there any Neolithic cave paintings or preserved symbols . . . what about mammoths?” Poor Lulu. She never gets an ordinary fashion assignment.

It-girl actor and model Iris Law discovers the famous Matterhorn Glacier Paradise and its luxury shopping destination Zermatt. Law poses for Catellani on the Gronergrat Glacier, a setting not nearly as glamorous as Anthony Vaccarello’s first Saint-Laurent-sponsored film presentation in Cannes, which Iris Law attended last week.

Zermatt is a car-free zone, so transportation options include walking or using electric taxis and buses. If you want something truly spectacular to experience then take the Glacier Express train ride: its journey will cross 291 bridges and pass through 91 tunnels! Zermatt also serves as a gateway to Zermatthorn and Rothorn mountains.