Deana Haggag Leads USA's Fight To Protect The Arts Against Trump's Budget Knife

Deana Haggag Leads USA's Fight To Protect The Arts Against Trump's Budget Knife

Deana Haggag made a strong statement about protecting the arts in America, now under the knife in the Trump administration. The new president and CEO of the philanthropic nonprofit United States Artists until Inauguration day, writes “It wasn’t lost on me what it means to take on the title of president of an organization whose acronym is USA,” Haggag said recently during an interview in Chicago, her USA home base. 

Less than 100 days later, Haggag is facing Trump's proposed elimination of the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Indeed, Big Bird is under the knife. The arts in America represent about $741 million yearly, or less than one tenth of 1 percent of annual federal spending.

The arts generate $135.2 billion annually in a boost to the US economy -- a fact not lost on a growing list of Republicans in Congress, who are against these cuts. 

'Trump Regretters' Are Growing, Feeling That Trump Is "Going Too Far"

Last month, half of Trump voters felt he was "surrounding himself with the best people". This week, only 39 percent do.  The majority of Trump supporters still feel the President is "keeping his promises" and "getting things done" but "three of the four traits on which Americans rate {Trump} as doing 'more than expected' are negative", says Margie Omero of PSB Research, who polled 800 general population respondents between March 6-9.

"He has no crossover appeal," Omero told, citing other polling outlets that have found Trump to be strong with his supporters, but dangerously weak with Democrats and independents. "So if he starts to slip with his base—as he has in our poll—where does he have room to grow?"

"He has to hold onto his base going into the midterms," she added. "If this slide continues, he is going to have some serious trouble."

PSB has issued another potential flag on Trump's field of political play: Voters who were "With Her" last fall are twice as likely as Trump voters to have taken some sort of politically-motivated action since January. Actions include protesting and marching, contacting their congressional rep, donating to a cause, or switching away from a product or service whose leadership didn't share their values.

"People are looking for ways to take action," said Omero. "There may not be a vote until next November, but there's still plenty to be done between now and then."

The PSB poll was conducted among 800 general population respondents between March 6-9, before details of Trumpcare -- his proposed health care plan and the federal budget were released. Given a health care plan that doubles insurance costs for many people in the 50-65 age bracket -- and Trump's proposed federal budget with its staggering cuts for programs like breakfasts for poor children and the elderly, and the elimination of any arts funding including axing Big Bird and The Cookie Monster, as part of PBS, It seems totally reasonable that Trump's "going too far" numbers will decline further.

Related: Trump's Budget Blueprint Is A War on the Future of the American Economy VOX

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