Elizaveta Porodina Flashes Jo Malone London's 'Cologne Intense' 2023 Collection

Models Bangali Drammeh from Gambia, Honest Ujoy from South Korea and Mateen Ismail from Australia launch a focus on Jo Malone London’s ‘Cologne Intense’, a collection of alluring scents inspired by faraway lands, captivating rituals and treasured ingredients.

As the names and marketing suggest, Cologne Intense scents are richer, deeper and more powerful than other Jo Malone fragrances.

The first Cologne Intense fragrance – Oud & Bergamot – was created more than 10 years ago and inspired by the Middle East. “Combining the nobility and enveloping scent of oud with the brightness of bergamot, it has become one of Jo Malone’s most beloved fragrances,” notes Céline Roux, Global Head of Fragrance. “Since then, we’ve travelled to faraway lands all over the world in search of inspiring traditions and treasured ingredients, to create a whole range of mysterious and sensual fragrances.”

Global Head of Jo Malone London Creative, Wandjina Glasheen-Brown says that the ingredients that go into the Cologne Intense fragrances are often rich and rare. And so is the marketing.

“As the fragrances themselves are so sensual and intense, the images Jo Malone brand creates around them also celebrate the sense of mystery and discovery – speaking to the idea of travelling to distant lands and uncovering rare treasures.”

Photographer Elizaveth Porodina [IG] is the perfect photographer to document this journey — whether it is taken physically or in one’s imagination. Porodina, who trained as a clinical psychologist, specializes in visual journeys into the unconscious.

Her vivid photographs inspire imaginary or real adventures with psilocybins, a naturally-occurring psychedelic prodrug compound produced by more than 200 species of fungi.

As a photographer, Porodina enhances the essence of Cologne Intense with her vivid imagery. Other members of the team include styling by Harry Lambert; set design by Afra Zamara./ Hair by Malcolm Edwards; makeup by Isamaya Ffrench; casting by Ben Grimes; manicures by Lauren Michelle Pires