Campbell Addy's Smile-Worthy 'Over the Rainbow' Men's Fashion for WSJ Magazine

Campbell Addy's Smile-Worthy 'Over the Rainbow' Men's Fashion for WSJ Magazine AOC Fashion

Before seeing this gorgeous WSJ Magazine post online, Anne found herself in a state of exasperation and irritation on a business matter. Checking the credentials on an entirely different post sent by WSJ, It’s Time to Ditch All Your Neutrals and Embrace Rainbow Fashion, stopped her cold.

It’s no secret that AOC jumps through hoops for photographers of color — but for good reason. They have a visceral capacity to feel color in a way we find inspiring. Let’s just say that the world of fashion has been much happier and optimistic with the unleashing of Black creativity, in particular.

Ghanaian-British photographer Campbell Addy’s [IG] image above just erased any and all negative emotions at AOC, even though it’s a grey day on the East Coast. Clare Richardson styles the shoot called ‘Over the Rainbow’, with commentary by Jenny Hartman. Models include: Benyam Mehari, Jefferson Obuseri, Mensah Benjamin.

Stopping by Campbell Addy’s IG as we always do for the photographer — but also to track down the names of the models — we were touched deeply by his vulnerability. Anne was in a similar place in 2014.

Sunday [yesterday October 10] was World Mental Health Day 2021. Campbell Addy wrote:

When asked to create this shoot all I wanted to do was smile. I wanted to create images that would make me smile, because to be frank I had forgotten how to smile deeply and honestly. Those close to me understand my battle with mental health - and it’s a process. Today’s is mental health awareness day, and I would hope someone will look upon these images and feel love, hope and be able to smile. Life is a journey and can be tough at times but simply reaching out and saying hello can make the biggest change in a loved ones life. Thank you to my agents, friends, family and collaborators for putting up with me in my times of need. I’m still trying to smile deeply and honestly, it’s a journey but I’ll get there.

You succeeded in getting Anne to smile also, Campbell Addy — with these glorious images. To say nothing of the joyful jewelry being created in my studio with 80% of the ingredients coming out of Ghana.

Big thanks to you, Campbell Addy, and countless other Black creatives who are turning my own artistry inside out. That’s a big deal for a white lady of a certain age. Better now than never, I guess. Thanks for everything. LOL ~ Anne