Model Taryn Andreatta | Kayne West 'Runaway' | Honor the Phoenix

Model Taryn Andreatta | Kayne West ‘Runaway’ | Honor the Phoenix AOC Sensually Yours

Kanye West’s ‘Runaway’ film unleashed a complex visceral response in me. An incredibly visual person with a highly-active unconscious mind, I see his Phoenix in my sleep, nudging another set of images that are embedded in my thinking, my friend and model Taryn Andreatta.

OK, the wings do a lot to establish connection, but my instinctual response to Taryn Andreatta’s photos was almost identical to what I experienced with ‘Runaway’.

Kanye West summarized in 30 minutes what I’ve been writing about intensely for the last 18 months, and in my original journal since June 2007.