Pakistan's NGOs Publicly Silent that US Is Source of Major Aid

USA Today delivers an excellent story on US aid to Pakistan. Not only does the US government want more credit and acknowledgement for the aid it’s delivering into Pakistan, but concerned Americans want the recognition of American foreign aid.

Yet, mum’s the word for vast amounts of US aid that is given to international aid groups via NGOs. Frequently on the ground in places like Pakistan, NGOs argue that American money is tainted money, inviting attacks by the Taliban on groups and villages that accept American aid.

The U.S. has earmarked $7.5 billion in aid over the next five years, but it will do little to sway public opinion if Pakistanis don’t know where the money is coming from. via USA Today

The article is very sensitive to NGO concerns about not endangering staff by admitting that it’s America who is helping the Pakistanis, but it’s dangerous to the entire world to allow the Taliban and militants to make a false mockey of the US, spreading the message with their bullhorns among suffering people that the fat cats in America can’t be bothered to get out their checkbooks. In protecting staff, NGO leaders increasingly put the world at risk in a nightmarish game of terrorist chess for which there will be no winners. Anne