Eye | Jenna Lyons Unplugged | Fashion Mod Squad | Ingrid Jungermann's 'The Slope'

J Crew Creative Director Jenna Lyons by Dario Cantatore

Jenna Lyons Unplugged

J Crew president and creative director Jenna Lyons admits to NYT Style writer David Colman that the “Page Six dissection” of her love life and marital woes is not welcome publicity. Attempting to travel under the radar with requisite sunglasses, Lyons stands tall in the crowd at six feet. 

Colman compares Lyons to AOC love Tom Ford in terms of her articulate, intelligent, charismatic, controlling and very talented persona. But she parts company with Ford in an almost selfless concern with her look as a woman who takes chances getting dressed in the morning. 

“Jenna is remarkably astute and intelligent, and she’s open about herself,” said Mark Holgate, the fashion news director of Vogue, who used to live in the garden apartment of Ms. Lyons’s Park Slope town house and who has worked with her on the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund. (He also introduced her to Ms. Crangi.) “Nothing ever feels forced or contrived or rehearsed with her,” he said. “There’s a kind of vulnerability and unguardedness that is rare in that level of designer.”

Bottom line, Jenna Lyons embraces her “ugly-duckling” baggage into a total look that now makes her a leader of the fashon pack. And she refuses to put women in and out of the “in group”, a core concept of the fashion business.  Read on at NYT. 

Brooklyn Books

The 2013 Brooklyn Book Festival is a fall event, held this year on Sunday, September, 2013. Writing from London, Phoenix Magazine describes the burgeoning Brooklyn artists scene this way:

Everyone in Brooklyn is writing something. You can’t walk a block without seeing someone scribbling frantically in a Moleskine or tapping away on a laptop. This New York City borough has always had a certain pull over writers – Walt Whitman was a long-time resident of Brooklyn Heights. But with writers like Paul Auster and Jennifer Egan calling it home, Brooklyn does seem to be the epicentre of some kind of small-scale literary explosion in recent years. My friends who live there are always jetting off to innovative and invigorating-sounding writing events. This fills me with longing.

Premiere Episode of New Web Series ‘F to the 7th’

Stopping by F*CKED in Park Slope just now, we watched a bit of Ingrid Jungermann’s web series ‘The Slope’.

In “Off Leash Hours,” Ingrid  is caught in the middle as Ben (Michael Showalter) and Allen (Isaiah Stokes) compete over their “gifted” dogs in a way that puts Park Slope parents to shame. 

Having lived in Brooklyn twice, Anne is amused. 

Mod Squad

Models in ‘Who Are You Polly Magoo, 1966 via Models.com

If you’re dizzy from all the dots and stripes this season, let us give you a bit of perspective. For starters, it is a rehash; you’re not crazy with delusions of Mod Squad. The rehashing is quite literal in many cases, putting to rest the claim to updates, except in fabrications of course. Fashion fabrics have come a long way since the 60s. 

Models.com shares an overview of the season’s eye crunching optics. Read on.