Trump's Shock & Awe Campaign On America's Psyche Is Only The Beginning In A Society Dominated By Technology & AI

Reflecting on the first two weeks of the Trump presidency, I've come to the same place as TA Frankwriting for Vanity Fair. Trump's approach, advocated also by his close advisers, is to completely stun us with his actions and also own the media narrative. I'm sick of him taking over the evening news cycle; I don't want to see his sorry-ass -- now sandy-brown instead of his bleached blonde mop -- combed-backward tresses. Still, I see the Trump administration's shock and awe strategy, and we must not fall for it.

It occurs to me that people like our veterans of wars and even people who come from abusive relationships are better able to withstand the Trump assault without losing our minds. Instead of losing our minds, reflect back on the times in your life when were under assault -- whether on the battle field or in the bedroom. If you were a battered child, how did you become the successful, thriving person you are today?

Did you lose your mind and go running around like some beheaded creature? NO. You sucked it in, steeled your nerves and faced the enemy. You calculated not only how to survive, but also how to regain control of the situation. Citizens across the spectrum from far-left progressives to centrists to old-fashioned Republicans must stay calm, deliberate and focused. The new marches are fantastic in their lack of violence and self-discipline.