Trump Will Be Greeted By A Sea of Black As Democratic Women Dress For A #Me Too Moment

The most visible protest at Tuesday night's State of the Union message by President Donald Trump will likely belong to female Democrats in Congress, who are wearing black -- the polar opposite of January's address (not an official State of the Union speech) when they wore white in honor of Hillary Clinton and all the suffragettes. 

Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey, co-founder of the Caucus on Black Women and Girls, will honor Recy Taylor, a black Alabaman who was kidnapped and raped by six white men in 1944. Coleman has ordered 200 red pins with Taylor's name embossed for members of the Black Caucus to wear. The New Yorker writes that Rose Gunter, Taylor's niece and caregiver until her death in December will be Coleman's guest. 

“I’m going to tell you that I didn’t know about her until Oprah Winfrey mentioned her,“ Watson Coleman told the magazine. “But I think that speaks to the fact that our history, our suffering, isn’t captured in the same way that non-minorities have captured their history, their suffering, their experiences, their contributions.”

Vanity Fair profiles the many guests -- at least 24 are Dreamers -- who will accompany House Democrats this evening.