Shakira, a Smart Sensuality Activist, Takes Me Back to Colombia, Where My Life Journey Really Began

Shakira, a Smart Sensuality Activist, Takes Me Back to Colombia, Where My Life Journey Really Began AOC World’s Women

Most certainly I romanced the South American hardship as ‘simple virtue’, knowing that I would return to New York in a week. My bag of political revolution books would be put to good use, writing a paper for school. I requested a typewriter in my room overlooking the sea in Cartagena, never dreaming that I would meet up with a 1950s, non-electrical mini-monster.

When I arrived at the small hotel in Santa Marta, a woman was there to greet me, opening the van door with one hand, while holding a candle in the other.

My only thought was bed — not even a shower first. I wanted to sleep for a very long time. My host began apologizing before I got my foot on the ground.

After seismic thunderstorms and two engines on fire, I was immune to another adventure. What possibly could be wrong now.