Self-Moderation & Democratic Principles Under Assault In Paris & Around the World

On this sad Friday in January, we share news that Saudi blogger Raif Badawi received the first 50 lashes of his 1000 lashes scheduled over the next 20 weeks. The world is rallying on Badawi’s behalf, but there is no evidence that we will be successful on Badawi’s behalf. Please sign the petition in our article.

Sad Day in Paris

This moment the terrorists behind the Charlie Hebdo have hostages in a small printing factory near Charles de Gaulle airport. However, a new hostage takeover by their associates at a Jewish grocery store near Porte de Vincennes. Of course, we are all concerned about these events.

Anne of Carversville: Telling Women’s Stories From Fashion to Flogging

Anne of Carversville has a long history of writing about the conflict of civilizations colliding and the fundamentalists at work in each of them. We are as concerned about the spread of Christian fundamentalism in America as Islamic fundamentalism in Paris.

My own editorial position is not one of being anti-Islamic. I am anti-fundamentalist because adherents of those principles do not believe in free societies. British radical Muslim cleric and lecturer on sharia law Anjem Choudary has written an open letter, published by USA Today, in which he says:

“Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore, Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people’s desires.”

Soul Spirit Beauty

Being committed to the women of Sudan — to the 40,000 of them that are brutally lashed every year for inappropriate dress and without the world rallying of their behalf as we are for Saudi blogger Raif Badawi — I want to share extraordinary images of the beautiful Sudanese model Ataui Deng, originally from Sudan. (See more on flogging women in Sudan here.)

At this moment, it’s easy for me to explain what ‘fashion to flogging’ is all about at AOC. As Smart Sensuality women and men, we understand that images of Ataui are considered to be heresy in the world of Anjem Choudary.

We see only beauty and not disrespect of any kind in these photographs. And we share a collective belief in self-moderation and democracy — not the lash — as our guide for living and advancing humanity in the 21st century.            ~ Anne

Photographer Jamie Nelson & Model Ataui Deng Create Saturated Beauty Magnificence

Ataui Deng By Tibi Clenci In ‘Art About Heart - La Maison Rouge Paris’ For Exhibition September 2013