Forget Botox. Make Forward Folds Your Daily Dose With A Goddess Pose For Good Measure

Vogue Australia asks: Is yoga the new facelift?  Instead of Botox or other procedures you probably can't afford, consider that practitioners of yoga are known for having youthful looks, and not only because the practice yoga diminishes stress and body-ravaging inflammation. 

Renowned Aussie yoga teacher, nutritionist and author Lola Berry says, “Yoga poses can play a big role in our beauty regime, when you increase blood flow to the face it can result in naturally lifted and plumped skin.” Specifically, “Forward folds—where you are bending at the hip and letting your torso hang towards the ground—and inversions—downward facing dog, shoulder, head and hand stands—where blood is sent to the head and face,” says Berry, will achieve this kind of natural facelift.