Texas Congressman Blake Farenthold Settled $84,000 Sexual Harassment Suit With Taxpayer Money

The Duckie PJs lawmaker Blake Farenthold, who famously challenged Sen. Collins, Murkowski & Capito to a duel over Obamacare Repeal this summer used $84,000 of taxpayer funds to end a dispute with his communications director in 2014.

Lauren Greene, the Texas Republican’s former communications director, sued her boss in December 2014 over allegations of gender discrimination, sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment, writes Politico.

Another Farenthold aide told Greene the lawmaker said he had “sexual fantasies” and “wet dreams” about her. Farenthold “regularly drank to excess” and told her in February 2014 that he was “estranged from his wife and had not had sex with her in years”, according to the claims made by Greene.

After complaining about Farenthold's behavior, he fired her, causing her to file a lawsuit in the US District Court in the District of Columbia. The case was dropped after the parties reached a private settlement.