Marie Claire US September 2018 Issue Devoted To Immigration In America & Women Immigrants

Since I was a little girl old enough to weep when I heard 'America the Beautiful' and old enough to go to the Statue of Liberty for comfort in the days after Sept. 11, my flawed America welcomed the world's tired, poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. My America was on a continuum to be even better in this commitment , as I luxuriated in the beauty of our American experiment as a melting pot 'Immigration Nation'.  A global traveler myself, and an adventurous spirit for sure, I've always thrived on diversity and fusion culture. 

The September 2018 issue of Marie Claire US devotes its entire issue to the talents and contributions "of female authors, executives, actresses, athletes, designers (all of whom have become activists)—including Priyanka Chopra, Constance Wu, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Maria Cornejo, among other equally formidable women—with roots in foreign lands."

After a huge dose of womanly inspiration, Marie Claire gets down to business with these timely articles:

1)The Women Fixing How the US Treats Immigrants; 2)True Stories from the Border and 3) Easy Ways to Help Immigrant Kids Right Now

Flipping on Marie Claire's first story, in walks Laurene Powell Jobs and her Emerson Collective.

Known for their focus on education and publishing (They now own The Atlantic), the Emerson Collective is developing a major arm to help immigrants and asylum seekers. In the image at the top, I'm pretty sure that's JR with Jobs.

Emerson Collective employees Monica Barrera, Anya McMurray, Tyler Moran, Beatriz Lopez, Cristina Moreno, and Sara Gomez Horta at the Families Belong Together March on June 30 in D.C. Image by Ralph Alswang