COVID-19: Help Expand Haute Hijab's Donation to Hijab-Wearing Healthcare Providers

“We do need hijabs,” shares Dr Riham Alwan, a hijab-wearing ER doctor fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. “If you can imagine, before you wouldn’t be as alarmed about it, but at this stage, those of us on the frontlines, we really need to stock up on these hijabs cause we’re washing them after every use.”

Melanie Elturk, co-founder and CEO of US-based hijab brand Haute Hijab is stepping up to meet the needs of Muslim sisters. Elturk’s initial donation of 250 hijabs was spoken for in about 45 minutes, writes Vogue Arabia.

It’s difficult for non-healthcare workers to understand the enormous efforts that must be made to try and contain possible COVID-19 contamination on clothes, hair, and skin that these medical professionals face.

This New York Times article about decontamination procedures at The Four Seasons Hotel on 57th Street in New York gives us sobering insights about safety requirements during the pandemic. The hotel was probably the first to offer free lodgings to medical professionals at the city hospitals.

Support a Hijab-Wearing Medical Professional, Healthcare Worker in the Covid-19 Fight

With such a rush on her initial offer of 250 free jersey hijabs to women on the frontline of keeping patients alive, Elturk left the form open, turning to crowdfunding to meeting additional requests. Follow this link to ‘donate’ a hijab for $20 to a medical worker.

As of Thursday, April 2, Haute Hijab received 291 donation orders, and should be shipping over 540 headscarves to the healthcare workers by April 9. A week ago there are more than 1,700 healthcare workers on the waiting list as Haute Hijab continues its efforts to make sure that those on the frontline have fresh, sanitary hijabs to keep themselves, patients, family, friends and colleagues safe during these enormously stressful days.