Aylah Peterson and Tiny Creatures by Elizaveta Porodina for Altered States Magazine Spring 2023

The Elizaveta Porodina [IG] roadshow rolls into Altered States Magazine’s Spring 2023 issue with ‘Bi-Nominal’. If Porodina was a badass luxury car, she would be a 16-cylinder Bugati Chiron. The artist rolls out of bed in the morning in an elevated state of ‘seeing’ and ‘reading’ the room she inhabits.

Elizaveta makes provocation and weirdness a form of luxurious beauty. Is it possible that a clinically-trained psychologist gone rogue as an artist is so in alignment with creating beauty that she cannot create ugliness? Porodina makes AOC consider this possibility.

Gary David Moore styles the exotic creatures fashion story centered on model Aylah Peterson./ Hair by Claire Moore; makeup by Ana Takahashi

It appears that Porodina is exploring witchcraft, and we can’t wait to see where she time travels. Are the artist’s witches scary? No. Even if Porodina burns her witches at the stake, she will make it a transcendental experience.