Eric Bolling Suspended At Fox News With Claims That He Sent C#ck Shots To Fox Women

Fox News' Eric Bolling

Birds of a feather do flock together. Yet another white male is taking a tumble at Fox News for sexual harassment, with Fox's suspension of yet another Fox personality who acts like god, when the subject is women. To be reasonable here, 'The Specialist's' co-host Eric Bolling's c#ck photo was sent to multiple women colleagues at Fox News Channel and sister network Fox Business several years ago, not last week. 

The intended recipients and others in and out of Fox -- a total of 14 people -- confirmed the story, which broke on Friday, written by HuffPost's Yashar Ali. While an investigation is conducted, Bolling is suspended from his broadcasts. 

We've written before about Bolling, a former commodities trader, working at Fox News and Fox Business since 2007, arriving from CNBC. Ali writes that Bolling regularly made sexist comments on-air. He got our attention in September 2014 while discussing the first woman fighter pilot from the United Arab Emirates leading a bombing of the Islamic State. 

Bolling asked on air if instead of speaking of “boots on the ground” in a military sense, it would be more appropriate to say “boobs on the ground.” The crass host apologized the next day, saying that his wife gave him “a look” when he arrived home. Presumably, Bolling slept in the guest bedroom this weekend. 

In a note of irony, Eric Bolling engaged in a major Twitter war in 2014 with disgraced former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner, himself involved in a major texting scandal.  “He is a sick human being, to continue to do this time and time again, continue to get caught, saying he’s not going to do it again, gets caught again," Bolling pontificated.