Prince of Wales 'Harmony: A New Way of Looking At Our World Video

‘Harmony: A New Way of Looking At Our World” is an excellent narrative about the ways is which we humans have lost our sense of collective spirit and connection to nature. The film presumes that the cycles of life doesn’t separate plants, animals and humans into distinct categories.

HRH The Prince of Wales argues that humans have stewardship over the land, but not domination of nature. It is our collective responsibility to nurture nature, as it cares back for us.

The film is not about the Prince of Wales, but rather his ideas and life-long passions. For all the critics of Prince Charles who say that he lacks feeling, they haven’t seen him in the tomato beds.

We meet many people around the world, who articulate the philosophy of ‘Harmony’ in terms that are universal to all of us but also expressed within a geopolitical context.

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