Earth Day 2011 | Interior Dept Seige Over Endangered Species

GreenTracker| Tomorrow is the 41st global Earth Day. In America it may be the most important Earth Day, as Tea Party Republicans seek to roll back regulations that promote sustainability and environment regulations around business.

In many ways, America is back to square one, with many politicos arguing that America’s focus should be the deregulation of business, not concern for the environment, toxins in food or sustainability initiatives.

Today’s NYTimes presents a different kind of sustainability quagmire, writing that the federal Fish and Wildlife Service is in ‘emergency triage mode’ trying to manage an ‘avalanche of petitions and lawsuits’ over endangered species lists.

Over the last four years, two environmental groups, the Center for Biological Diversity and WildEarth Guardians, have filed 90 percent of the 1230 petitions submitted to the Fish and Wildlife Service since 2007. In the prior 20 years, annual requests averaged about 20 per year.

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