Uli Westphal | Mutato-Archive Project | Mother Nature Running Wild

Uli Westphal’s Mutato-Archive is a real world collection of non-standard fruits, roots and vegetables in an astounding array of forms, colors and textures. Left on their own, says Westphal, nature produces anything but the highly-designed, uniformly regular produce we see in our supermarkets.

Many of us —Anne for one — has never seen produce like these images from the Mutato Project.

Uli Westphal is a freelancing artist, who works and lives in Berlin, Germany. He grows his mutatos himself in a series of urban and rooftop gardens in Berlin. The story of Uli’s produce growing is here on his farming blog.

This passionate defender of both Mother Nature and small farmers cites several articles critical to understanding issues around our food supply. Based on Uli’s impressive projects, we will cite them also:

Who Will Feed Us? Questions for the Food and Climate Crises (2009)

From green to gene revolution: How farmers lost control of the seeds from agricultural modernisation (2010)

Extreme Genetic Engineering: An Introduction to Synthetic Biology (2007)

Who Owns Nature? (2008)

The New Biomassters _ Synthetic Biology and The Next Assault on Biodiversity and Livelihoods (2010)

The Big Downturn? Nanogeopolitics (2010)


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