Amy Hixson by Caitlin Mitchell | 'Private Obsession' NYC Nov 16 Private Party

I’m thrilled to attend ‘Private Obsession’ next Wednesday night, Nov 16 in Manhattan. Update 11/15: view 8 of the 21 images, with erotica written by Jen Nash for the occasion, in our wide-page (1000 dpi images) on Sensuality News | Sweet Dreams. All images will be installed on Friday after the event.

After reviewing photographer Caitlin Mitchell’s portfolio in person last month, my creative, sensual brain is pulsing wildly — just thinking about ‘Private Obsession’. Envisioning them mounted 33” high on walls is a treat beyond the pleasure I felt seeing them spread out at the Mercer Hotel.

The one-night pop-up gallery affair from 6-9 pm represents a collaboration between Caitlin Mitchell and personal trainer Will Torres in his new space. Caitlin’s “powerfully evocative and body conscious” photographs, with creative direction by Jen Collins, will be on private-party view only Nov 16.

Just yesterday I explained to Caitlin that scientifically-speaking, the connections of eroticism, libido, exercise, self-confidence and self-love are not far-fetched, but grounded in major research.

Exercise=libido for most people, so Will and Caitlin were made for each other.

AOC will release eight of the 21 Amy Hixson and Sarah Dumont images by Caitlin Mitchell around our websites before the show, with a full 21-image recap and interview after the ‘Private Obsessions’ event. 

I will be reaching out to close AOC media friends shortly. If you would like to attend the event, especially with the desire to work with Caitlin in the future, please contact me for an invite.

It’s my desire to support Caitlin’s agent Bruce Levin, promoting her creative sensual collaborations for commercial clients and media in the future.

Bruce, Caitlin and I share a values-driven commitment to promoting sensuality and eroticism — not only on special occasions — but in the fabric of our everyday lives.

Think the feel of clean cotton sheets, mixed with sweet orgasmic sweat and healthy bodies. Now that’s the good life. Anne