Sarah Tarrant Kuang | Andrew O'Toole | FASHIONTREND Magazine | Dark Angel

Andrew O’Toole captures Sarah Tarrant Kuang in an atypical beauty statement ‘Dark Angel’ for Australia’s FASHIONTREND Magazine #26. Sarah’s piercing dark eyes, constellation of freckles, and daring shaved head signify the unique looks so favored in this issue devoted to the concept of ‘uncommon’.

The pursuit of uniquesness and individuality is a strong trend among today’s fashion professionals. Within the global population at large, most scientific researches argues against individualized concepts of beauty.

Satoshi Kanazawa challenges the argument that beauty is in the eye of the beholder or that there are no universal beauty standards. Quite the opposite, the author argues that people from totally diverse cultures agree broadly on who is beautiful and who is not.  Read on at Psychology Today.


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