Rose Byrne Wears Winter White By Chris Colls For The Edit

Austrailian actor Rose Byrne is styled in sophisticated, winter whites by Kate Young in photographer Chris Colls’ editorial for The Edit.

Byrne echoed the common theme among females in Hollywood (whose revenues are SINKING) that not much has changed regarding strong roles for women.

“I hate to be a broken record about it, but if I compared my career to my male contemporaries, I feel like they get a lot more opportunities to play lead roles and have a potential story in something, whereas women’s roles as the wife or the mother are limited. “

“It’s a harder thing for women to navigate.”Byrne adds the additional hurdle for women, saying that Hollywood wasn’t such a beauty pageant in the past. She will appear in the upcoming Annie remake with Jamie Foxx and Quvenzhané Wallis. Read on at Net-a-Porter.

