Cecelia Webber's Human Nature Art Celebrates Sensual Bodies

Cecelia Webber, Yellow LilyLos Angeles based artist Cecelia Webber creates flower and butterfly assemblages from hundreds of nude human form photographs. Her technique offers an entirely new way to consider the beauty — rather than the morally repulsive nature — of the human body.

“It was really an accident,” Webber, a neuroscience graduate from USC explains. “I shot a nude figure against a black background and thought it looked so much like a petal I just went with it.”

Expanding beyond our original image find on the Internet, I’m now on Cecelia’s website. Yes, we are soul sisters in some respects. Cecelia echoes my own words (see website)

Why are we made to feel so ashamed of the human body in Western culture and so much of the rest of the world? Isn’t the body a beautiful, wonderful thing, deserving nothing less than to be celebrated?

Cecelia’s photographic compositions can take up to two months to produce due to the complexity of finding the right pieces. She uses as many as 700 images in each piece.

Cecelia Webber was born in a forest town of only 1,500 people and spent much of her childhood in fields catching orange salamanders and looking for fairies. Fly on through you mental, psychological meadow Cecelia Webber! Anne

Cecelia Webber, Pink Blossom


Cecelia Webber, Blue Bell

Cecelia Webber, Dragon Flower

Cecelia Webber, Jungle Pink

Cecelia Webber, Rose

Cecelia Webber, Bleeding HeartCecelia Webber Monarch Butterfly Series

Cecelia Webber, SunflowerCecelia Webber, Fiddlehead

Cecelia Webber Fuschia Butterfly Series

Cecelia Webber, Summer Dandelion

Cecelia Webber, Cherry Blossom

Cecelia Webber, White DandelionCecelia Webber, Blown Sunflower

Cecelia Webber, Maple

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