Irina Lazarreanu & Larry Scott | Will Davidson | RUSSH #37

RUSSH magazine is complex and lives up to its billing as Australian at heart, with an international mindset. RUSSH reflects the way intelligent women approach fashion and beauty to create their own distinctive style. The media platform is notably non glossy, producing editorials with soul and substance.

Irina Lazarreanu is lensed by Will Davidson in “Somewhere Along the Way He Lost Her”, which is supported by a Belvedere-sponsored film that’s far more than a fashion shoot. It’s a short film about a relationshp. Irina appears with Larry Scott.

The fashion editorial, styled by Stevie Dance, is driven by the art of the film, which is at the end of the images here. This is more than just a fashion shoot. Very nice.


The video can’t be embedded. If you don’t see it at the top of page, look down in library. It will move there with time. Today, there’s no url except russh-tv.

We just posted another RUSSH editorial from this same issue in Living:

‘Paterson’s Curse’ | Cassi Van Dungen | Will Davidson | RUSSH #37