'Paterson's Curse' | Cassi Van Dungen | Will Davidson | Russh #37

Cassi Van Den Dungen, lensed by Will Davidson, and styled by Stevie Dance create slow-living, honest woman imagery against a gorgeous autumnal landscape. images via FGR

Called “Paterson’s Curse”, we’re reminded that beauty looks are deceiving, even in the bucolic countryside.

Paterson’s curse is poisonous to grazing animals and a threat to natural areas. The plant contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that cause chronic liver damage and death to susceptible animals like horses. Paterson’s curse is a prolific seed producer enabling rapid spread and displacement of pasture, range and desirable plants. It is a threat to native habitat with the potential to invade oak woodland, native prairie, and dry upland slopes.

And you thought it looked so pretty. Now if “Paterson’s Curse” was a representative cultural symbol, it would be globalization? Brandification of the world?