Joséphine de la Baume | Cameron Smith | Oyster #88

God is showing up regularly in fashion editorial this season, and we’re not surprised. Female sensual ambivalence is a real, regular focus of editors and photographers for Fall 2010. Cameron Smith captures every good woman’s moral history, exploring the inner psyche of Joséphine de la Baume for Oyster #88.

We love the one of Joséphine clawing what could be the confessional door. Then again, it may be the door to the church sanctuary.

No, there’s not a Renaissance painter in the house. Just a lot of new technology, and we love the effects. On this same topic, read Anne’s recent The Meaning of Birthday Girl Madonna’s Crucifix Clutch.

We promise you, Mary Magdalene is coming soon. The heavenly father told us so.


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