Drew Phelps | Kristofj & Sean | New Wave Women | 'The 10th Victim' Talent Editorial

Yet another editorial simmering with a new kind of provocation hits the digital airwaves, this one housed on TheOnes2Watch and original posted in January 2011. Kristofj & Sean lens Drew Phelps as ‘The 10th Victim’ in the New Wave Women theme. Styled by Coline Bach, Drew joins growing numbers of women (and men) — young and not so — who are fighting back together in the crush against women’s rights worldwide and especially in America.

Losing rights already gained is dramatically different from the slow and arduous path of getting them in the first place.  ‘The 10th Victim’ reminds us that perhaps women will have to fire some warning shots in America, where we are not going quietly into the night while social conservatives take charge of our bodies, legislating our every move and life decision. Abortion today; birth control is next on the docket. / Hair by Kota Suizu; Makeup by Namiko Takemiya


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