New Talent | Ming by Ehren Joseph | 'Sumi'

We are very supportive of photographers who have strong artistic visions but are adaptable enough to go with the moment and create a new form of beauty — the one born in the spontaneity of current reality.

With the subordination of ego allowing an alternative artistic impulse, another vision emerges in place of annoyance, frustration or anger.

In the case of New York photographer and fine artist Ehren Joseph’s images ‘Sumi’, the artist is often inspired by Chinese and Japanese ink brush painting. Joseph painted the backdrop of Ming’s shoot with the sumi ink, often used for sets.

Joseph’s artistic impulse wanted Ming painting and being painted with the ink, so that she became part of the backdrop. I love this idea.

In Joseph’s words: ” … but the light, and the clothing, and the girl were lending themselves to a different kind of shoot.  So I went with it and kept it simple, sensual and elegant.” 

Before pursuing photography, Ehren received a degree in sculpture and taught classical figure drawing, painting, and sculpture at a fine arts studio.  It was documenting his three dimensional work that ultimately led him to photography.

Ehren’s ultimate goal is to encourage the viewer to forge an emotional relationship to an intimate set of images, as he has done with ‘Sumi’. That makes him a Smart Sensuality artist, and we welcome him to AOC. Anne

Credits follow


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