Susan Boyle Drives a Warm and Friendly Dagger in Anne's Assumptions about Smart Sensuality Women

I may be rethinking membership as a Smart Sensuality woman by the time Susan Boyle’s finished with me.

Why do I think I’m the high and mighty one, defining who’s got Smart Sensuality style and who doesn’t? This attitude makes me as bad as the “Britain’s Got Talent” judges. It is my words, my new phrase. I’m defining it daily now. And yet …

Listening to Susan Boyle now singing “Cry Me a River” … well, who am I to say that she’s not one divinely sensual woman, even if she hasn’t been to the gym lately.

Susan Boyle (click to YouTube) has millions of us thinking about our assumptions around sensuality and beauty, and that includes moi.

We’re not about to throw our ode to beauty overboard. Much of it is programmed in our brains.

It’s all the related assumptions that are under assault in my mind. Researchers have documented that everything from the length of prison sentences to predictions of marital success are statistically tied to perceived beauty.

Just today, I began reading The Psychology of Physical Attraction. For better or worse, many of these assumptions are hard-wired in our brains for eons.

Writing these words, I’m so damn annoyed with myself this moment, because I was a Smart Sensuality woman in the days when I weighed 50 pounds more than I do today. In fact, there were times in my life when perhaps I looked more like Susan Boyle than I ever want to admit.

I’m slivering hairs here, being the Smart Sensuality diva today. In truth, I must come clean myself around my own prejudices, as the judges who apologized to Susan Boyle.

I never would have chided her, put her down or raised my eyebrows with disdain at Susan Boyle as many did. I know more about life, than to do that. But I am admittedly ambivalent about her not taking better care of herself.

Am I some hopeless hypocrite who struggles with ‘everyday ordinary’? I haven’t a clue, but I’m engaged in some serious self-examination this moment.

My point with Susan Boyle is that any woman who can sing like her, expressing the emotion in her lyrics as she does … well Susan Boyle is a sensual woman, her looks aside.

If you haven’t her heard her performance from “Britain’s Got Talent”, watch this great video for Susan Boyle’s personality, as much as her fabulous singing.

I think that the Susan Boyle frenzy is opening up an amazing conversation around beauty and physical stereotypes. I do not agree that physical looks don’t matter and I challenge each of us to become our own most beautiful self — au natural.

For me the challenge is all the additional assumptions that we make about ‘beautiful people’ and not so beautiful people. Millions assumed that Susan Boyle couldn’t sing, based on her looks.

In reality, she rocked the world’s cynical, jaded but also hopeful heart.

I may be wavering still on making Boyle a Smart Sensuality woman, but one things for sure: J’Adore, J’Adore, J’Adore Susan Boyle and everything that she stands for. The woman has such moxie and courage, to say nothing of her extraordinary voice. Boy, did she show us! Anne