Book | 'Dancing in the Glory of Monsters' Examines War in Congo

Jason Stearns, author of Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa, says that Congo should be ranked with Germany, Russia and China as one of the great vortexes of recent human violence.

In 2009 CNN estimated that 200,000 women in Congo have been raped. Jason Stearns, who is widely praised for thoroughly covering this story from every angle and after endless interviews in the region where he worked for the UN, writes 500,000 women have been raped.

In February Vagina Monologue, feminist playwright lady Eve Ensler opened City of Joy Academy, saying:

“You build an army of women,” she said. “And when you have enough women in power, they take over the government and they make different decisions. You’ll see. They’ll say ‘Uh-uh, we’re not taking this any longer,’ and they’ll put an end to this rape problem fast.” via NYTimes