Julia A. Pierson Heads Secret Service | Malala Yousafzai Has a Book Deal | Forbes Woman On Ivanka Trump

Julia A. Pierson1. Julia A. Pierson heads Secret Service. Pierson is the first woman to head the agency that protects the president, vice president and their families. It’s hoped that Pierson, the chief of staff to Mark J. Sullivan, who retired as director last month, will bring order to the agency as it continues in recovery mode from a prostitution scandal last year.  

“The appointment represented a milestone for law enforcement, putting a woman at the top of an agency with a storied past and a Hollywood-fueled image of Clint Eastwood-style men with sunglasses and earpieces stoically guarding the commander in chief at home and abroad. Mr. Obama has also installed women as directors of the Marshals Service and Drug Enforcement Administrationvia New York Times

Stephanie A. Marshall2. Stephanie A. Marshall joins Planned Parenthood. Marshall will become the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Collier County Florida, reports Naples News.

Before joining Planned Parenthood, Marshall created and directed the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pandemic flu planning and preparedness public education campaign. She also served as deputy campaign manager for the national Medicare prescription drug education program.

While at HHS, Marshall was the communications director of the “Let’s Move” initiative to reduce childhood obesity for the Office of the First Lady.

3. Malala has a book deal!!! The incredible story Malala Yousafzai, who survied being shot in the head by the Taliban in Swat Valley Pakistan, will tell her story as an advocate for the education of the world’s children.

Arzu Tahsin, the deputy publishing director of Weidenfeld & Nicolsonsaid: “This book will be a document to bravery, courage and vision. Malala is so young to have experienced so much and I have no doubt that her story will be an inspiration to readers from all generations who believe in the right to education and the freedom to pursue it.”

UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown has condemned the shooting of a female teacher in Pakistan on Tuesday as a Malal-style’ incident, writes the BBC

“No one should be shot for wanting to go to school or wanting to teach girls,” the statement said.

4. You may not like the Donald, but his daughter Ivanka plays different. Forbes Women profiles wife of Jared Kushner and mother of Arabella Ivanka Trump, who recently negotiated a “bargain-basement price of $150 million” for the Doral Resort & Spa in Miami, Florida. 

“I’m not sure Donald appreciates her enough,” says someone who has negotiated with her but wished to remain anonymous for competitive reasons. “He’s kind of an old school, seat-of-the-pants type of dealmaker. She’s the opposite: She’s done the work and put in the time. When she asks for something, she has all the research to back it up.” Says brother Eric about her negotiating skills: “She’s someone you do not want to underestimate. She can turn on the iron shield and give and take punches with everyone else.”

Anne reflects on the Texas Dad who wrote an open letter to Victoria’s Secret about its ‘Bright Young Things’ campaign. In our opinion, the letter makes reasonable and important points not only about selling sex per se to teens but about what that message is. 

Our focus isn’t that selling lace bras to 15-year-olds is a bad business strategy. A $4 billion brand that owns 25% of America’s lingerie market will do what it wants. Nor should a 15 year-old be pretending to be a femme fatale when she can’t spell the word. 

Anne writes: “The mockery of ‘human divine sexuality’ (a concept raised in another essay) is a concept very worth considering and one sadly missing in our Victoria’s Secret world. As a 10-year-executive of the company, I’ve always considered VS as a brand that enjoys a unique position as an influencer of how women — and girls entering puberty — see themselves.