Amsterdam & Netherlands Score High On Global Business & Happiness Indexes

Website Ignant takes us on a stroll through Amsterdam on a rainy day. With a strong warning to first-time visitors to Amsterdam not to become enchanted with the hoards of bikes parked in lots, instructions are to check both directions before crossing the street. Many cyclists in Amsterdam ride their two-wheelers like rockets.

The reasons to love Amsterdam and The Netherlands are countless. Here are a few recent ones:

Amsterdam awarded prize for sustainability fund Dutch Daily News Sept 2014

At a ceremony in New York during September’s UN returns week, the City of Amsterdam was awarded a prize for its sustainability fund (the Amsterdam Investment Fund). The jury recognised the fund as “an excellent example of innovation which will significantly improve the city’s sustainability efforts”.

Wilma Mansveld, State Secretary for Infrastructure and the Environment, accepted the award on behalf of Mayor Van der Laan and Alderperson Choho by saying

We need the ideas introduced by smart cities such as Amsterdam now more than ever. Cities are responsible for two thirds of global energy consumption and contribute in excess of 70% of the harmful greenhouse gases produced worldwide. And that means they are also part of the solution! I am extremely proud that Mayor Van der Laan has been awarded this prize and I hope that these types of practical solutions will also be introduced in other cities.

Netherlands ranks second on Global Logistics Performance Index I Am Amsterdam

Netherlands moved three rungs on the World Bank’s 2014 Loistics Performance Indes, surpassed only by Germany.

The Global Innovation Index 2014 

The most recent index that uses 81 indicators to gauge innovation capacity, competitiveness and innovation ecosystems was led by Switzerland, UK and Sweden with The Netherlands in fourth place. The US ranked 60 out of 143 countries evaluated.

First World Happiness Report Launched at the United Nations

In the new UN report, the happiest countries in the world are all in Northern Europe and include: Denmark, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. The top 10 list completes with Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia and Ireland.

Factors driving the rankings include financial wellbeing, political freedom, strong social networks, an absence of corruption, good mental and physical health, comeone to count on, job security and stable families.

The Global Gender Gap Report 2014

The Netherlands ranks 14th on this year’s report behind top 5 Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark; and ahead of the US rank 20, UK rank 26 and Cuba rank 30.

If Amsterdam looks tempting to those of us living in other countries, read on: Top 10 Reasons why expats love Amsterdam.

Note: Holland is a region and former province on the western coast of the Netherlands. Many Westerners use the terms interchangeably — to the disagreement of citizens living in the Netherlands.

