Hillary Clinton's CNN Brianna Keilar Interview | Women Leaders At Aspen Institute | Women's Soccer $$$ Discriminate | 300 Child Brides Freed In Malawi

Anne is reading …

1. After a disastrous Independence Day photo op gone wrong, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will give her first national TV interview since announcing her presidential candidacy in April.

CNN will air the interview conducted by Brianna Keilar today Tuesday July 7th. Relations between Hillary Clinton and the national press have always been strained, but they reached new levels of strain on Saturday, when Clinton aides literally herded reporters through the streets of Gorham, NH’s Fourth of July parade.

2. America’s women’s soccer team returned home from Vancouver victorious as world champions but seriously underpaid. In a record-shattering World Cup final, the U.S. Women’s soccer team decisivelty beat Japan 5-2. For their win, the U.S. team will earn $2 million.

The money reads as impressive until we consider the fact that Germany received $35 million in 2014, after winning the Men’s World Cup Finale in Brazil. Last year $576 million was earmarked for Men’s World Cup rewards, writes PBS. By contrast. this year, a total of $15 million in prizes was set aside for the Women’s World Cup.

This differential exists in spite of the stark reality that Sunday’s women’s final broke soccer viewing records worldwide, according to NPR.

3. The Aspen Institute shares great ideas from women who lead, in an exciting presentation of 3-4 minute personal challenges from their recent Aspen Ideas Festival.

4. In Malawi, senior Chief Inkosi Kachindamoto, a woman, annulled over 300 child marriages, saying that for both boys and girls, children should be in school. In April, Malawi president Peter Mutharika signed into law a ban on child marriage, endorsing a new minimum age of 18 for both genders. Malawi has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with 50% of all girls marrying before the age of 18 in order to improve their families’ financial situations. GirlsnotBride.org reports that every year 15 million girls are married as children.

5. Writing for Forbes, Carrie Rich of YEC Women, writes that Creating Change For Female Leaders Starts With Individual Support.

“There are now venture capitalist groups that exclusively fund female entrepreneurs. Several new accelerators for female founders launched recently too, including MergeLane, Equita, and Refinery, joining others. And several prominent venture capitalist groups recently announced new female partners, like BBG Ventures (Susan Lyne) and Rothenberg Ventures (Fran Hauser).”

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