Meet Dr. Kathryn Allen (D-Utah) Running To Replace Jason Chaffetz In Congress

Photo: Courtesy of Scott Fineshriber

Dr. Kathryn Allen is the Democratic candidate running in Utah's special November election to fill former Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz' seat. Allen intended to run against Chaffetz in 2018 and by April 2017, she had out-raised him by $400,000. It makes us wonder -- was Chaffetz afraid of losing to Allen and is this why he abruptly retired? Now Allen runs in the special election for Chaffetz' seat in November. 

Allen attended the rally in which then Congressman Chaffetz was confronted by a woman who stood up to tell Chaffetz that Planned Parenthood had provided vital screenings for her as an uninsured single mother of three with a family history of cancer. In a moment that went viral, she asked Chaffetz why he's trying to kill Planned Parenthood.

The Congressman got teary-eyed and talked about cancer in his family. "Enough!" say the Democratic women of America.  

“We are so tired of men making decisions for us,” Allen says. “The GOP has assaulted all of these things that many women care deeply about,” including health care, women’s reproductive rights, climate change, and education, to name a few. For Allen, it conjures a primal analogy: “If you harm our young, we’re going to come after you like a mama bear.”

Allen, Myers, Tran, and Sherrill join more than 15,000 women across the country who have contacted Emily’s List in 2017 to express interest in running for office—a new record for the organization. “It’s unprecedented,” Emily’s List president Stephanie Schriock tells Vogue. Last year, Emily’s List celebrated the “Hillary bump” when a then-record 920 women, inspired by Clinton’s historic clinching of the Democratic nomination, contacted the group about running.

“We had a bump,” Schriock says. “Now we have a tsunami.”

This tsunami is also evident at most of the women's fashion and lifestyle websites like,, and many others. Women politicos are getting coverage like never before as we all reel from the defeat of one of the most competent and qualified people to ever run for the US presidency.  We can thank Vogue for introducing us to Dr. Allen. 

Note that AOC will also cover any women Republican women candidates with a strong track record of supporting Planned Parenthood and other women's health issues. We always remind readers that it was Republicans who supported Planned Parenthood and women's health in the 70s. It was a Republican Supreme Court who gave American women legal birth control, and -- yes-- it was a Republican court who gave us Roe v. Wade abortion rights.