After Kanye's Emmett Till Disgrace, Swedish Politician Uses Kanye West's Music to Attack Anne Frank

After Kanye's Emmett Till Disgrace, Swedish Politician Uses Kanye West's Music to Attack Anne Frank

Until today, November 1, 2022, the worst news I’ve heard recently about the young Jewish hero Anne Frank was a book about her being swept into the book-banning insanity underway in Texas and across America.

Today’s news is a constellation of Anne Frank, Kanye West and far-right Swedish politician Rebecka Fallenkvist.

The Swede posted on Instagram about Anne Frank’s journal, with Kanye West’s ‘Praise God’ Music to accompany Fallenkvist’s words.

“Fifty pages in and so far Anne Frank has only struck me as debauched, the horniness itself,” Sweden Democrat (SD) Rebecka Fallenkvist wrote on Instagram.

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