Olamide Ogundele Poses In Trench Coats + Rubber, Lensed By Gianluca Fontana For Vogue Italia Online March 2019

Olamide Ogundele Poses In Trench Coats + Rubber, Lensed By Gianluca Fontana For Vogue Italia Online March 2019

AOC is following IMG model Olamide Ogundele, and we’re not alone. The Nigerian-born beauty appears online at Vogue Italia’s promoting photographers channel. The creative project ‘I take the clouds with me’ is styled by Sara Francia in images by Gianluca Fontana.

In describing the project, the team explains: “Trench coats, foam and rubber come together in an interpretation of femininity in its purest form and exploration of the non obvious. The unseen, the unsaid, what lies beneath surfaces through a series of subtle and refined images.”