Male Supreme Court Justices Mansplain Judicial Law To Female Justices, New Study Concludes

Male Supreme Court Justices Mansplain Judicial Law To Female Justices, New Study Concludes

If you thought America's female supreme court justices are spared the growing epidemic of 'mansplaining', think again. A new study of oral arguments from Northwestern University researchers found that as more women have joined the Supreme Court, "the reaction of the male justices and the male (lawyers) has been to increase their interruptions of the female justices."

Interruptions are often regarded as an assertion of power through verbal dominance, according to the study's authors Tonja Jacobi, a professor at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, and Dylan Schweers, a J.D. candidate at the school. If that's the case, then women in positions of power should be interrupted less. Yet at the pinnacle of legal power, female Supreme Court justices "are just like other women," they write for Scotusblog, "talked over by their male colleagues."

Will White Men PLEASE Stop Mansplaining Donald Trump!!!

Will White Men PLEASE Stop Mansplaining Donald Trump!!!  AOC Main Page

"In the aftermath of the election, there’s been an unfortunate impulse to mansplain that “It’s going to be alright” and “Maybe he’s really not that bad.” Even if we can’t have a woman president, it’s time to usher in womensplaining."

Writing for W Magazine, Glynnis MacNicol lets it rip!