Women Physicians Less Likely To Be Introduced As 'Doctor' At Mayo Clinic Medical Events

Women Physicians Less Likely To Be Introduced As 'Doctor' At Mayo Clinic Medical Events

A new study published in the Journal of Women's Health, examined videos of 321 speaker introductions at 124 internal medicine grand rounds from 2012 through 2014 at Mayo Clinic campuses in Arizona and Minnesota. The research was triggered when Julia Files and Anita Mayer, both physicians at the Mayo Clinic noticed a pattern in which female doctors were introduced by their first name but males as Dr. So and So. 

Sharonne Hayes, another Mayo doctor, had noticed a similar pattern. While a male colleague would be introduced as “Dr. Joe Smith,” for example, the women were often simply called “Julia,” “Anita” and “Sharonne.” In that lightbulb moment, the trio decided to quantify their observations. 

Archives | Dr Greenfield's Sexism Charges At American College of Surgeons Remind Anne of Her Cat Shoes Story

Trying to distract myself from the Nevada HIllary/Bernie mashup today I encounterd a great pair of cat shoes from a FB friend.  The shoes inspired a FB post Anne's Cat Shoes Meet A New York Master of the Universe

In the case of the cat shoes, I bought mine in Paris during the 80s, and positively adored them. My cat shoes were fully fitted with eyes, whiskers and tails. Wearing them on the sidewalks of New York, I knew my cat tails weren’t long for this world.

A sensible woman would have kept her cat tails for special occasions, but mine were pounding the pavement in days. Within weeks, one tail was AWOL.

Near Grand Central New York, A Smart Woman Tries To Keep Her Tail Intact

I have a major pet peeve with aggressive men in New York -- even though I’ve dated plenty of them. You know the guy — he walks in the wrong direction on your side of the sidewalk, assuming that you will get out of his way, in order to avoid a major collision. It usually works, and women not only defer but say ‘I’m sorry’ as a Manhattan master of the universe mows the little people down.

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