Eve Jobs by Ethan James Green for Louis Vuitton Twist Handbags and Equestrian Life

Eve Jobs for LV Twist

Stanford University alum, model and expert equestrian Eve Jobs launches her first digital campaign with Louis Vuitton — and we’re here for it. Eve fronts LV Twist handbags, styled by Victoria Sekrier in images by Ethan James Green [IG]. / Hair by Damien Boissinot; makeup by Hiromi Ueda

Given the enormous reach of Eve’s wonderful mother Laurene Powell Jobs, AOC loves putting an American model activist on the Louis Vuitton roster.

And we are frankly weary of the scion snark. Eve Jobs graduated from Stanford University with a major constellation of education in science, technology and society. She is an expert equestrian. In 2019 Jobs ranked fifth on the list of the world’s top riders under age 25 and she shows her skills in the film.

You think this is easy for a model to do — Jobs in this film? Okay, well you just keep talking to yourself.

Eve Jobs Reaches Beyond the Fashion Crowd

The work of Eve’s mother Laurene Powell Jobs has inspired me in my darkest hours — so let me whip it out of the archives.

Let me also say that Eve attracts a non-fashion audience as well. I saw her AOC draw in recent posts, driven by our RSS Feed. The path was straight out of Feedburner — probably all those Apple guys out there. Okay, women, too. But it was not a fashion audience, and Eve brings her heritage and DNA with her to the LV table. It’s formidable.

On that note, AOC is returning to Apple News because I feel we can handle it now. All my new mega Mac equipment is the reason. It moves so fast I don’t see it happening. Seriously. So now that I think about it, we will open with Eve Jobs and her powerhouse, activist mother Laurene Powell Jobs who I love, love, love.

To close where I began, AOC is very high on the future influence and impact of Eve Jobs and where this modeling gig will take her. Jobs is in good hands at Louis Vuitton, and we are here for it. So there! LOL.