Mooji Says Be That In Which The 'I' Arises

This past year has been a very difficult and challenging one for me. In my darkest hours I was introduced by my dear friend Iman to Mooji, a spiritual teacher originally from Jamaica. Several other people very close to me also now tune in to Mooji, who calls his relaxed philosophical approach, “the lazy man’s way to enlightenment”.

The BBC described Mooji’s spiritual philosophy as similar to the Jamaican motto ‘don’t worry, be happy’.

Advaita, the popular Hindu philosophy practiced by Mooji, says, in essence, that a person’s inner self is the only real and conscious part of them and that recognising this will bring one closer to the true state. Mooji’s version of Advaita does not seem to make great demands on adherents.

Will Gethin describes his encounter with Mooji and his philosophy:

“God is not asking you to give up your sweeties… It’s not really identity which is the problem, but belief in it; belief that ‘I am that’ and the attachment to that identity. So rather than trying to get rid of the ego, go beyond it, by observing it. In many spiritual disciplines the language seems harsh, like ‘You have to kill the mind’ — and at a certain point you can come to appreciate these statements in a way that doesn’t seem so aggressive. It simply means to transcent the influence of the conditioned mind, and you are not the mind, you are consciousness within which mind is an aspect of consciousness.”

The Mooji words below appeared in my Facebook feed earlier in the week. After watching many Mooji videos on You Tube, these words brought a certain clarity to my own thoughts.

We live in a society that is increasingly more self-centric, and I can’t imagine the world being on a path of dropping the ‘I’. Except that at a certain point in life, some of us see the ‘I’ as an obstacle to our own happiness and quality of life. I have arrived at such a point, which is why Mooji’s words below hit me full force and with absolute simplicity this week. ~ Anne

“God is not asking you to give up your
sweeties,” Mooji reassured me, “It’s not really
identity which is the problem, but belief in
it; belief that ‘I am that’ and the attachment
to that identity. So rather than trying to get
rid of the ego, go beyond it, by observing it.
In many spiritual disciplines the language
seems harsh, like ‘You have to kill the mind’
– and at a certain point you can come to
appreciate these statements in a way that
doesn’t seem so aggressive. It simply means
to transcend the influence of the conditioned
mind, and you are not the mind, you are
consciousness within which mind is an
aspect of consciousness.”
“God is not asking you to give up your
sweeties,” Mooji reassured me, “It’s not really
identity which is the problem, but belief in
it; belief that ‘I am that’ and the attachment
to that identity. So rather than trying to get
rid of the ego, go beyond it, by observing it.
In many spiritual disciplines the language
seems harsh, like ‘You have to kill the mind’
– and at a certain point you can come to
appreciate these statements in a way that
doesn’t seem so aggressive. It simply means
to transcend the influence of the conditioned
mind, and you are not the mind, you are
consciousness within which mind is an
aspect of consciousness.”
“God is not asking you to give up your
sweeties,” Mooji reassured me, “It’s not really
identity which is the problem, but belief in
it; belief that ‘I am that’ and the attachment
to that identity. So rather than trying to get
rid of the ego, go beyond it, by observing it.
In many spiritual disciplines the language
seems harsh, like ‘You have to kill the mind’
– and at a certain point you can come to
appreciate these statements in a way that
doesn’t seem so aggressive. It simply means
to transcend the influence of the conditioned
mind, and you are not the mind, you are
consciousness within which mind is an
aspect of consciousness.”

You say you want to drop the ‘I’, but the ‘I’ cannot drop the ‘I’.

There must be something that is not the ‘I’ to drop the ‘I’.

It is That which is aware of ‘I’, the most holy concept, the immaculate concept.

Be That in which the ‘I’ itself arises.

Then you don’t have to drop the ‘I’.

You don’t have to drop anything.

You don’t have to kill anything.

You don’t have to heal anything.

You don’t have to fix anything.

You don’t have to become anything, or unbecome anything.

You don’t have to work on anything.

You don’t have to evolve.

You cannot evolve to go back to what You are.

Have I gone too far?

This guidance is for the one who wishes to be conscious of their own consciousness right now.

If you intend to awaken next year, we have to go back to ‘I’ which is time and change.

~ Mooji