The Lake & Stars | Spring 2011 Lingerie Collection | Sensual Muses Gathering

Looking at the new advertorial photo essay shot by Tom Hines, for The Lake & Star’s Spring 2011 lingerie collecton, we see all the Smart Sensuality muses at work.

The past week has been a philosophical parfait for readers, as we we’ve trolled through the meaning of Kanye West’s ‘Runaway’, Taryn Andreatta’s belief that tomorrow’s models can return to being muses, my exploration of the meaning of the Phoenix, and why I believe Victoria’s Secret needs to bag diamond-encrusted bras for good, using the money for good beyond senseless bling.

Shakira has already taught us that philanthropy is sexy.

Kanye West brilliantly flushed out the issues last week. Jezebel is today focused on Kanye West’s penis, because it draws page views. We refuse, keeping our focus on ‘Runaway’ and important ideas that matter. If that sounds sanctimonious, we apologize … after all, the future of the world is at stake.

Today a small lingerie brand The Lake & Stars, based in New York’s Tribeca, holds their light to our emerging sensual journey and consumer demands for deeply-sensual goddess magic, and not canonized bomb shells, in our masculinized lingerie world. We’re tired of war: between the sexes, religions, and cupcake makers, too.

Call us ‘airheads’, but the muses are gathering far and wide, preparing for our own evangelical fight against Modern values that at rock bottom, have no heart.   Anne

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