Fat, Rude Republican Men Attack MIchelle Obama's Body, Butt & Chlldhood Obesity Campaign

Can we agree on a major premise before beginning? Wisc. Rep Jim Sensenbrenner and Rush Limbaugh are both obese.

While I have neither a tape measure or access to private healthcare records, based on looks, both Rep Jim Sensenbrenner and Rush Limbaugh have eaten way too many french fries and Cinnabons, unable to exhibit the self-control of their own bodies that they demand of women — whether the topic is food or premarital sex.

Typically, any man who eats an eclair before his weiner has a potential problem controlling his food intake. And if that’s a second back-up hot dog for after dessert backup, then the Congressman is not qualified to comment on the nation’s health — which is morbidly obese and more out of control than the federal deficit.

Obese Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner has dismissed MIchelle Obama’s concerns about childhood obesity, saying she has a fat butt.The Republican War on Women indeed hit a new low today, with the disgusting revelation that Sensenbrenner was overheard talking loudly on Wednesday in the Delta Crown lounge at Reagan National Airport about an ealier incident involving his comments about First Lady Michelle Obama’s beautiful derriere.

Politico reports that Ann Marsh-Meigs, a 72-year-old member of St. Alden’s Episcopal Church in Hartford, Wis. bore witness to the Congressman’s remarks about the First Lady’s butt on Dec. 10. Objecting to cards on the table advertising the church’s upcoming food-packing project for Haiti, the very fat Congressman launched into a negative commentary on Michelle Obama’s fighting childhood obesity initiative.

After making fun of her concerns about obesity in children and the tremendous rise in diabetes among our young people, Sensenbrenner took the same tactic as Rush Limbaugh did earlier this year, complaining that the size of the First Lady’s derriere suggested she shouldn’t be giving advice about weight control.

“How dumb can you be? I think it’s stupid to talk like that, it’s really rude — it’s the president’s wife,” Marsh-Meigs told POLITICO. “He just assumed everyone sitting at the table would agree with him and think it was funny. I didn’t think it was the least bit funny, and there was sort of a stunned silence. I said, ‘I think Michelle is a beautiful and elegant woman, and she dresses beautifully.’”

Sensing he was in trouble, Sensenbrenner ran for the door, says Marsh-Meigs. But a friend of hers was waiting for his escape and “told him off”.

Miki Hoffmann, a 65-year-old retired teacher also at the event wasn’t impressed with news that the Congressman intended to send a note of apology to the First Lady. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,

Hoffmann said she had no problem with Sensenbrenner disagreeing with the first lady on policy issues. That, Hoffmann said, is all well and fine.

“What made us angry were his remarks about her body image - not her policies or positions - but her person,” the Hartford resident said.

Hoffmann said she is asking for an apology from Sensenbrenner to the members at St. Aidan’s.

Rush Limbaugh Also Attacked First Lady’s BMI

Last February Rush Limbaugh also mocked the First Lady’s child obesity initiative, distorting the reality of her 600 calorie, low-fat lunch into a 1500 fat-laden calorie plate of short ribs.

We now know that obesity often shrinks the critical thinking area of our brain. Clearly Rush Limbaugh is brain dead about food calories or BMI, based on his lack of critical thinking ability and ability to close his mouth, when he said:

What is it - no, I’m trying to say that our First Lady does not project the image of women that you might see on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, or of a woman [professional baseball player] Alex Rodriguez might date every six months or what have you. I mean, women are under constant pressure to look lithe, and Michelle My Belle is out there saying if you eat the roots and tree bark and the berries and all this cardboard stuff you will live longer, be healthier and you won’t be obese. Okay, fine, show us.

Big Guy Limbaugh Inflates Short Ribs Calories & Michelle’s BMI AOC Body