Tianna St. Louis's Precious Pedigree Finds Treasure in British Vogue December 2021

Tianna St. Louis's Precious Pedigree Finds Treasure in British Vogue December 2021 AOC Fashion

Rising model Tianna St. Louis hails from Connecticut USA with family bloodlines that are a fantastic mix of Australian, German, Irish, Italian and Jamaican. The stellar visual results of St. Louis’ pedigree are obvious and visually arresting. And then there’s the name. Superb.

Poppy Kain styles Tianna St. Louis in ‘Treasure Seeking ‘, a collection of intricately-designed jewelry, lensed by Eddie Wrey [IG] for British Vogue December 2021./ Hair by Shiori Takahashi; makeup by Lynsey Alexander

We’re having visions of Tianna St. Louis meets Rafael Pavarotti and Ib Kamara and then Edward Enninful pops in to see how everyone is doing. Oh yes, put her in Erdem.

Oh wait — it’s coming into view. British Vogue can tell the famous story in which Queen Elizabeth & Ghana President Nkrumah danced a ‘Diplomatic Foxtrot’ in Ghana. It was a highest level mission that required the Queen to persuade Nkrumah to favor Britain and not make an alliance with Russia.

Her Majesty succeeded splendidly. Come ‘on. You guys love that idea and we can give the world a history lesson at the same time.

Perhaps you can borrow a royal tiara for Tianna St. Louis to wear as the Queen. This was a huge story for AOC when I investigated this segment from ‘The Crown’.

Queen Elizabeth II & Ghana President Nkrumah In A 1961 Diplomat Foxtrot Watched In Black & White