Mutts and Purebreds Both Can Save Us: America's COVID-Sniffing Dogs Arrive for Duty


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Coronavirus-sniffing Dogs Unleashed at Miami airport to Detect Virus in Employees Washington Post

Dogs have long been called "man's [human's] best friend." But their new role as COVID detectors is awesome. Some will surely be shot dead in the line of duty -- as men are not always dogs' best friend -- but this new role for our beautiful dogs is so inspiring.

AND there is no hierarchy from what I'm hearing. ALL dogs have the same capacity -- or at least pedigree dogs and mutt dogs -- have the awesome ability to detect COVID. They can also detect the variations among COVID strands and their accuracy rate is about 97%.

My mind works in unfettered ways. I think there's a lesson about race, humans and white nationalism to be learned from our beloved dogs. Can they heal America? Humans are failing.

Moving from helping veterans to the entire population of Americans, our dogs are stepping to show us how to roll under deadly pressure. ~ Anne