Louis Vuitton BUBBLEGRAM Bag Campaign 2022 Cool Girls by Charlotte Wales

Louis Vuitton BUBBLEGRAM Bag Campaign 2022 Cool Girls by Charlotte Wales AOC Fashion

Models Blesnya Minher, Evie Harris, Mika Schneider, Morgan Porter and Puck Schrover take the spotlight in the Louis Vuitton BUBBLEGRAM Bag Campaign 2022, lensed by Charlotte Wales [IG].

Stylist Victoria Sekrier pairs the Bubblegram bags with casual, sporty, flirty crop tops, short skirts and dresses, cargo-pants and shorts and other summer essentials. Louis Vuitton-embossed fabrics and screened LV hoodies remind us that logos still mean business with this crowd.

‘You Are My High’ by DJ Snake plays for a short film where dopamine-activating, colored backgrounds ignite our captive brains as black and white ready-to-wear makes the sale with Buublegram bags offering a soft color punch. Lolita Jacobs gives art direction.