Kindred Spirits Welcome 'Aquarius' Lensed by Kapturing for Vogue Czech January 2023

Models Bente Oort, Enzo Kobayashi, Ismael Savane, and Teo Bates are styled by Jan Kralicek in Dior, a brand truly focused on a future world governed by ‘Aquarius’.

With no precise agreement on when we have exited the Age of Pisces, believed to have begun around the time of Christ, it may be another 100 years or more before totally ending this epoch.

Some believe the Age of Aquarius has begun. Based on the events around us, Alan Oken may be correct when he writes that the current transition between ages is “much like the period between childhood and puberty: the process is gradual. Today, we find that we live in the legacy of Pisces and the promise of Aquarius.”

We’ve been told for decades that the promise of Aquarius is the promise of women’s empowerment and leadership — one major reason why I’m not too keen that suddenly we want to write the word ‘women’ out of the US laws and progressives websites vocabulary.

Do I sound untrusting? I am. Alright, Anne, this is only a Dior fashion story for the January 2023 issue of Vogue Czech, lensed by Florian and Sebastian [IG]. Take a chill pill, girl. / Makeup by Hind Sousan; hair by Asami Maeda; set design Enzo Selvatici