Donald Trump Demands Special Prosecutor To Investigate Clinton Foundation

Trump Calls for Special Prosecutor to Investigate Hillary Clinton CNN

Trump was in Akron, Ohio today and besides promising to build the wall to stop the illegals, the candidate called for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton.

"No issue better illustrates how corrupt my opponent is than her pay for play scandals as secretary of state," Trump said.

"I've become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of Hillary Clinton's criminality. It's criminality. Everybody knows it," he said as the crowd erupted in a sea of "Lock her up!" chants.

"The amounts involved, the favors done and the significant numbers of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately," Trump said. "After the FBI and Department of Justice whitewash of the Clinton email crimes, they certainly cannot be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate Hillary Clinton's new crimes, which happen all the time."

Trump again raised the specter of voter fraud or a 'rigged' result on election day: "When I say 'watch,' you know what I'm talking about." 

What if Trump won't accept defeat? Politico

Donald Trump is on track to lose in November and to refuse to accept the legitimacy of that Election Day result. That’s a problem not just for Hillary Clinton but for both political parties and the country. For everyone, really, other than Donald Trump.
By hiring Breitbart’s Steve Bannon, a media provocateur in his own image, and accepting the resignation of the man who was supposed to professionalize him, Trump is signaling the final 78 days of his presidential campaign will be guided by a staff that indulges his deeply held conspiracy theories and validates his hermetically sealed worldview.
That includes his insistence that the only way he loses is in a “rigged” election. According to two long-time Trump associates, the notion of a fixed election isn’t just viewed as smart politics inside Trump Tower; it’s something the GOP nominee believes.

Economists for Hillary

Business Economists Say Hillary Clinton Is Best for the Economy Wall Street Journal

Roughly 55% of National Association for Business Economics members surveyed about 2016 presidential candidates said Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic nominee, would do the best job of managing the economy.

Donald Trump was the third choice at 14%, behind the 15% who selected Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson and also the 15% who said they didn’t know or had no opinion. ( The figures didn’t add up to exactly 100% due to rounding.)

Released Monday, the survey of 414 NABE members was conducted July 20 to Aug. 2.

Hillary Clinton Headlines August 23, 2016

Poll: Clinton Has Narrow Lead Over Trump In Ohio CNN

After Shake-Up by Trump, Clinton Camp Keeps Wary Eye on 'Conspiracy Theories' New York Times

Donald Trump Cancels Speeches in Colorado, Nevada and Oregon TIME

Clinton's August fundraising spree: From Scranton to Cher Santa Fe New Mexican

Sheldon Adelson continues to snub Donald Trump NBC News

Hope for Trump: GOP winning registration race in key states Politico

Trump claims his golf courses are worth tens of millions. Until the tax bill arrives. The Washington Post

How the first liberal Supreme Court in a generation could reshape America VOX

Why some feminists are conflicted about Hillary Clinton's historic candidacy VOX

Hillary Clinton Gets Major Convention Bounce & Americans Are Repelled By Trump

Election Update: Clinton's Bounce Appears Bigger Than Trump's FiveThirtyEight

FiveThirtyEight is now updating their probability from giving Hillary Clinton a 51% chance of winning the election yesteday July 31, to raising it to 53.3% today. We may not live through this daily dose of poll news. Read their detailed breakdown of new polling and why their model raised Hillary's advantage today.

Post-convention poll: Clinton retakes lead over Trump CNN

A new CNN/ORC poll gives Hillary Clinton a 7-point convention bounce, in a 4-way race with Johnson and Stein. In a 2-way race, Clinton leads 45% to 37%.

Post-convention, the % of people who believe her policies will move the country in the right direction increased from 43% to 48%. There has also been a significant increase from May when 48% said their vote was one of support for her vs. an anti-Trump vote to now, where 58% support her.

Did Clinton get a post-convention bump? CBS News

In a CBS poll of 1393 adults, including 1,131 registered voters conducted July 29-31, 2016, 46% of voters say they support Clinton in November, with 39% saying they'll back Trump.

Support among Sanders voters increased from 67% pre-convention to 73% in the new poll.

Trump's RNC Was Least Effective Party Convention In Three Decades, Poll Finds Slate

Last week the pollsters at Gallup revealed that Donald Trump's Republican National Convention keynote was the most poorly received of any such speech since they began keeping data on the subject in 1996. On Monday, Gallup released another Trump-related finding that's also bad news for the GOP nominee.

Fewer People say they are now willing to vote for him.

Clinton & Trump On Economy

Moody's: Where Trump's Economic Policies Might Spark Recession, Clinton's Could Boost GDP and Lower Unemployment Forbes

As a follow-up to their June analysis of the consequences of Donald Trump’s economic policy proposals, Moody’s economists Mark Zandi, Chris Lafakis and Adam Ozimek released on Friday a twin analysis that scrutinizes the potential consequences of Hillary Clinton’s economic policy proposals. As they did for Trump, Zandi et. al took a microscope to three different scenarios: assuming all of Clinton’s proposals become law; assuming Congress intervenes and she gets just most of what she’s proposing; and assuming that significant compromise is required and what ultimately gets enacted are modified versions of her original proposals. But while the format of the newest report is the same, the conclusion is anything but.
“The upshot of our analysis is that Secretary Clinton’s economic policies, when taken together, will result in a stronger U.S. economy under almost any scenario,” they wrote on Friday. ”The upshot of Mr. Trump’s economic policy positions under almost any scenario is that the U.S. economy will be more isolated and diminished,” they concluded in June.

Hillary Clinton Headlines August 1, 2016

From Humphrey Hatred to Bernie or Bust -- The High Price of the Politics of Petulance The Daily Beast

With 100 Days to Go, Is Clinton or Trump the Favorite? The Daily Beast

This man's touching story about Hillary Clinton is going viral Harper's Bazaar US

Can Sanders and Warren Work Together Politico

Top Jeb Bush adviser leaves GOP. will vote for Hillary Clinton if Florida Is Close CNN

Trump Versus Hitler: What We Can Learn From Weimar Germany The Daily Beast

Longtime Trump Adviser Claims Khizr Khan Is a Terrorist Agent Slate