In May 2016, Melania Trump Assured America That Her Husband Is Not Hitler

Melania Trump Explains That Donald Is 'No Hitler' & Julia Ioffe 'Provoked' The Trump Backlash

In the spring of 2016, Melania Trump was interviewed in DuJour Magazine about her husband and his run for the presidency. Melania confronted growing concerns about her husband’s authoritarian tendencies, affirming with her own choice of words that he’s “not Hitler”.

The interview came shortly after another one that Melania Trump gave to GQ, written by Russian emigre and prominent writer Julia Ioffe.

Melania Trump on Her Rise, Her Family Secrets, and Her True Political Views: 'Nobody Will Ever Know GQ

The furor against Ioffe was virulently anti-Semitic and accompanied by particularly concerning death threat.

My words then were: “I can see that the intro might set off the most ardent Trump supporters, but their response was way over the line. Melania herself lashed out at Ioffe, saying that she had misrepresented her family and invaded her parents' privacy with her investigative tactics.”

How does a shy ex-model make her way from Slovenia to, just maybe, the White House? To Melania Trump—and to the people who know her back home—her journey to marrying The Donald is like a fairy tale, or a too-crazy-to-believe rom-com. It’s a story full of naked ambition, stunning beauty, a shockingly Trump-like dad, and even some family secrets. Maybe she’s made for Washington after all.

Melania Trump didn't approve of Trump supporters behavior and death threats against Ioffe, but stated emphatically that "She provoked them."

About 30 months later, Americans are facing the beginning of a new week — after one of the worst episodes of violence in American history.

In descending order:

1) White male Robert Bower, told authorities he just wanted “to kill Jews” shortly after he took his AR-15 assault rifle into the Tree of Life synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, gunning down 11 people, including a Holocaust survivor. Several others, including incredibly brave first responders were wounded.

“They’re committing genocide to my people,” Bowers told a SWAT officer after being shot and captured, according to a federal criminal complaint released ­Sunday. “I just want to kill Jews.”

2) White male, male stripper and part-time pizza deliveryman Cesar Sayoc is suspected of mailing at least 14 pipe bombs to some of U.S. President Donald Trump’s leading critics, including former president Barack Obama, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, congresswoman Maxine Waters and other leading political figures, as well as CNN, is due in federal court in Miami, Monday.

On Monday morning, a new bomb is reported at CNN’s Atlanta headquarters. Authorities do not yet know if the bomb is connected to Bowers.

3) White male Maurice Stallard, walked into a Kroger supermarket in Louisville, Kentucky and shot shopper Maurice Stallard in the head. Leaving the store, Bush then shot Vickie Lee Jones in the parking lot.

Local surveillance footage showed the shooter trying to force is way into a black church minutes before moving on to the supermarket. The Times reports that a member of the 185-year-old First Baptist Church of Jeffersontown grew alarmed when she saw Bush yanking “aggressively” at its locked front doors. About 10 people were inside the chapel following a midweek service. “I’m just thankful that all of our doors and security was in place,” church administrator Billy Williams said.

Donald Trump has a singular response to the deaths and destruction that have ravaged America in late October 2018. He blames virtually all our problems on the media, and absolutely nothing on his own heated rhetoric and constant assaults on media, all Democrats, and globalists. We are ALL EVIL, says Trump.

Ronan Farrow Details Trump's Affair With Karen McDougal, As Stormy Daniels Says She Has A Monica Lewinsky Dress

Melania Trump must be out of her mind. Here is another major expose about her philandering, immoral, Putin-lover husband, a man who is unfortunately our president. The golden showers in Russia are looking more believable every day. Any woman who married Trump with his reputation and marital history deserves what she gets -- which is a whole lotta money in this case. I can't image this marriage will be saved, as Trump has made Melania Trump one of the most publicly humiliated women ever in history.

Ronan Farrow, who also broke The New Yorker story on Harvey Weinstein is the pen behind 'Donald Trump, A Playboy Model and A System For Concealing Infidelity'. The players include Trump loyalist David Pecker, the chairman of American Media, Inc., the publisher of the National Enquirer; Karen McDougal, a former Playmate of the Year; Donald Trump; and Dylan Howard, A.M.I.’s chief content officer.

Do not confuse Karen McDougal with Stormy Daniels. They are separate women who apparently had affairs with Trump simultaneously -- or close to it. All we know for sure is that Melania had given birth to Trump's son Barron in the recent past.

It's easy to trip in the details trying to keep the multiple women straight, but it seems that Trump bedded both women in July, 2006, at the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship, at the Edgewood Resort, on Lake Tahoe. 

Donald Trump with Rabbi Marvin Hier, Cardinal Donald Wuerl and Pastor Paula White in the Rose Garden of the White House. Photograph: NurPhoto/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Pastor Paula White, Trump's chief spiritual adviser, says he has a 'hunger for God'. White was in the news last month, suggesting that people send her their January salary or face consequences from God.  The televangelist and exponent of the "health, wealth and prosperity" movement, preaches a made-for-Trump doctrine that says "God wants people to be rich, and he makes them wealthy as a sign of his blessing. So the richer you are, the more obvious it is that God loves you, and the stronger your faith is. The Guardian breaks down the components of Trump's 'God loves a good Monopoly game' version of Christianity.

A Marist poll published Wednesday -- on Valentine's Day --prompted over a third of Americans to say they think First Lady Melania Trump should leave the president. Newsweek explains:

The Marist poll reveals some interesting observations about Americans’ opinion on the alleged presidential infidelity. For example, 49 percent of men thought Melania should stay with her husband. Women, however, were divided: 38 percent felt she should leave Trump, 36 percent felt she should stay and 26 percent were unsure.

Age-wise, respondents aged over 45 were more inclined to believe that the Trumps should work on their marriage together. 47 percent of people 45 and over felt Melania should stay with Trump, while 41 percent of those under the age of 45 felt she should leave.

There was also a stark difference in opinion between Republicans and Democrats. 71 percent of Republicans—Trump’s party—felt that the couple should stay together. 50 percent of Democrats felt Melania should leave the president.

Stormy Daniels is now ready to talk to America, saying that Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen has broken the privacy stipulations around the NDA in his admission that he did facilitate a six-figure payment to the adult film star.

Flip the initials NDA to DNA, which is Trump's newest problem after Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, says she has a "Monica Lewinsky dress", a gold mini dress she wore during her alleged tryst with Trump in Lake Tahoe. She’s kept the dress “in pristine condition” and plans to have it forensically tested for samples of hair, skin or “anything else” that would contain DNA, reported The Blast, which also shared a photo of the dress in its report, the Mercury News reports