Trump-Putin Relationship Gets Increasing Scrutiny | Ex CIA Director Endorses Clinton

Donald Trump: In Your Heart You Know He's Nuts The Daily Beast

This is a remarkable article in its analysis and assertions. I don't know that Trump is nuts. But I definitely know that he does not have a personality, nor does he exhibit traits of an ability to govern or stay calm, deliberate and focused under pressure.

I Ran the CIA. Now I'm Endorsing Hillary Clinton New York Times

 In his career, this is the first time former CIA director, Michael Morell, has endorsed a candidate for president. That's saying something about what's at-stake this year. It's informative for the high marks he gives Clinton on experience, thoughtfulness, the ability to accept new information as conditions warrant and to change her view. But, it is eye-popping for the devastating profile he paints of Donald Trump as an unwitting Russian agent! O

Senior ex-CIA official: Putin made Trump 'an unwitting agent' of Russia Reuters

Is Donald Trump a danger to national security because Vladimir Putin has played him? Considering that Trump is now supporting positions favorable to Russia and has been consistently lavish in his praise of the former Russian KGB heavy weight, it's very possible that President Vladimir Putin has made the Republican presidential candidate an "unwitting agent" of Russia Michael Morell, a longtime CIA officer and former deputy director of the agency, said in an opinion piece in The New York Times.

"In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation," Morell wrote without providing evidence for his argument. Still, we must ask if -- given his narcissistic personality -- Trump's ego makes him vulnerable to exactly what so many of us fear. Basking in the glow of Trump's perception that Putin believes he is a genius -- which the whole world has observed for months now because Trump can't stop telling us -- has the Orange Mophead responded exactly as Mr. Putin calculated he would. 

How Trump Adviser Stone Became Washington's Sleasiest Political Officer Slate

Slate's chairman and editor-in-chief-Jacob Weisberg revists a piece he wrote about Trump surrogate Roger Stone 30 years ago. He recalls reporting then that Stone was less power player than con artist.

"After my story came out, Stone claimed it was good for his business. I don’t think it was. After Jack Kemp dropped out of the 1988 presidential race, his only nationally known client was Arlen Specter, the late Pennsylvania senator. He would emerge every so often at the center of some bizarre gambit or scandal, advising Al Sharpton on a presidential run, leaving abusive voicemails for Eliot Spitzer’s father, proposing to run for governor of Florida on a platform of legalizing marijuana, or publishing preposterous conspiracy books charging LBJ with masterminding John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Showing off his Nixon tattoo and giving interviews in Miami sex clubs, he was the definition of a marginal political figure.
Another seemingly marginal political figure has brought him back to prominence. Stone has had a long relationship with Donald Trump going back to their mutual friendship with Roy Cohn in the 1980s. For many years, Stone was a lobbyist for Trump’s casino business. He was also the perennial leader of the “Draft Trump” campaign—the person who encouraged Trump’s birther obsession and finally got Trump to run this year."
In August 2015, Stone either quit or was fired from Trump’s campaign. Nonetheless, he remains a Trump surrogate and dirt-dealer, most recently smearing Khizr Khan as a terrorist and predicting a “bloodbath” if the Democrats try to “steal” the election. Thirty years ago, I called him the state-of-the-art political sleazeball. And I’ve got to hand it to him—in the years since, no one has come close to taking that title away from him."

Kaine accuses Trump of history of racism Politico

Tim Kaine showed up to address the National Urban League. Donald Trump’s campaign didn’t. Kaine drew very strong contrast between his own history with African Americans and that of Donald Trump. 

“Around the time my father-in-law desegregated Virginia’s schools,” Kaine said, “the Justice Department had filed suit after Donald Trump and his father were refusing to rent apartments to African-Americans. It was one of the largest federal cases of its kind at the time.”

Hillary Clinton Headlines Aug. 6, 2016

Longtime Bernie Sanders supporter Tulsi Gabbard endorses Hillary Clinton for President Mauitime

Sanders chief meets with new DNC chair Politico

Clinton camp confronts Trump's Rust Belt strategy Politico

How Hillary Clinton Seized the Center Without Pivoting New York Magazine

Voting Like a Woman by Connie Schultz Creators

Scam Alert: Donald Trump's Website Won't Let You Cancel Recurring Donations Slate

Bernie Sanders: I support Hillary Clinton. So should everyone who voted for me LA Times

This Is a Jobs Report That Democrats Can Boast About New York Times

Trump properties losing visitors during campaign USA Today